
OS 0800

Designed for spas

  • Effortless spa cleaning
  • Optimal performance
  • User friendly

Effortless spa cleaning

The first-ever automatic cleaner for home spas. SPABOT™ is an autonomous robotic cleaner that is also cordless thanks to its rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Its indicator lights show the device’s charge level and its progression through the cycle steps.

Robots de piscine OS 0800

Optimal performance

Thanks to its programme especially designed for spas, SPABOT™ efficiently cleans spa floors, seats and the water line in 60 minutes. It is equipped with a 1-L filter canister that provides a 100-micron filtration fineness in order to retain all types of debris..

Robots de piscine OS 0800

User friendly

Compact and lightweight, weighing only 2.5 kg, SPABOT™ is easy to handle and remove from the spa. It floats at the surface at the end of a cycle, making it easy to retrieve. Debris is readily visible through the clear window and easy to remove through top access to the filter canister.

Robots de piscine OS 0800
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